Elisa Ambrosia, Psy.D.

Photo coming soon

Clinical Interests & Specialties areas:

Stress, worry and feelings of disconnection; identity and relationship issues; women’s mental health; chronic illness and eating disorders; spirituality; cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue.

About the Staff Member:

Elisa completed her BS in Mathematics and holds a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the Wright Institute in Berkeley, CA. She strives to offer a collaborative and compassionate therapeutic approach. She uses strength- and evidence-based interventions, including mindfulness practices, cognitive behavioral and psychodynamic techniques. Having lived her formative years in Europe, Elisa holds a deep appreciation for issues relating to culture, difference, and language. She spends her free time in nature, and love reading, writing, traveling, and cooking.  

Pronouns: she/her/lei

If I could speak to my college-self, I would say: “let’s talk about your dreams!”