Student Affairs Committees

Foley Pond with students studying in the background at tables

The following is a list of standing committees in the Division of Student Affairs.

  • The Division of Student Affairs is embarking on the next phase of its strategic plan. This effort includes establishing thematic working groups to assist with designing and conducting educational and community input sessions, as well as developing a strategic framework, priority commitments, strategies, and milestones. The following is a list of strategic planning sub-committees that will be established in the coming weeks. If you are interested in participating on one of the sub-committees, please rank up to five of the following:

    • Creating an Integrated Student Health and Well-being Strategy
    • Enhancing Student Engagement & Student Leadership Development
    • Supporting the Graduate Student Experience
    • Renewing the Residential Experience
    • Advancing Service and Community-engaged Learning
    • Reimagining Student Employment
    • Evaluating and Engaging our Student Space
    • Creating a Thriving Staff Experience
    • Ensuring Student Access and Opportunity


  • Purpose:
    To adjudicate conduct cases and provide students with an education-based process that allows them to critically assess their own behavior and how it impacts the greater community.

    1. Education of students on behavioral expectations.
    2. Understanding of the policies and procedures and being able to articulate them to various constituencies.
    3. Provide students with a positive interaction and connection point within Student Affairs.
    4. Make challenging decisions free of bias or favoritism.

    1. Better understanding of the Student Conduct Code and behavioral expectations.
    2. Create relationships with students that provide a positive spin on what can sometimes be negative situations.
    3. Provide students a check-in to see how they are transitioning to life at LMU, as well as whether they are being successful at the university.
    4. Understand the needs of the student community and be able to identify and address many of the issues students struggle with.

    John Orozco, director of OSCCR

    Julia Wade, associate director of OSCCR

    Appointed Team Members:
    • Francesca Piumetti, chief conduct officer
    • John Orozco, director
    • Julia Wade, associate director
    • Angela O’Malley, associate director

    Selected Team Members:
    Number of open selected team member positions: varies each year

    Professional Development Skills:
    1. Attentiveness to detail
    2. Communication skills
    3. Dealing with gray areas

    Time Commitment:
    Estimated time commitment, by hours, per week: 2-6 (varies depending on time of year and experience).

  • Purpose:
    The Staff EXP Committee is a standing committee dedicated to the engagement, support and development of professional staff members within the Division of Student Affairs. The committee is designed to spend focused time and energy toward continuous improvement in the experience of staff. The committee will develop opportunities for professional development, training, social engagement, cross department communication and collaboration.

    1. Develop clear communication strategies to share resources, news, events and professional development opportunities with staff across the Division of Student Affairs.
    2. Create structures and policies as measures of transparency and accountability for division-wide use with regard to committees, professional development opportunities and communication.
    3. Conduct regular assessments within the Division of Student Affairs to evaluate professional staff experiences.
    4. Promote professional development and cross-departmental networking opportunities for both new and continuing professional staff within the Division.
    5. Plan and facilitate social events throughout the year to engage professional staff within the Division of Student Affairs.
    6. Celebrate staff and recognize their work and accomplishments within the Division of Student Affairs.
    7. Engage, develop, and support professional staff of the Division of Student Affairs.
    8. Support on-boarding and integration efforts for new Student Affairs staff members through orientation, education, events and resources.

    Leadership Liaison
    Rich Rocheleau, associate vice president for student life

    Amiya Powell-Hodge, associate director for residence life

    Steering Committee Membership and Projects

    Chair for Staff EXP, MT Liason, and subcommittee co-chairs

    Areas of Work:

    • Committee oversight
    • Committee infrastructure policy
    • Divisional Committee and Engagement Interest Survey
    • Staff Climate Survey
    • Staff morale
    • Transparency and accountability infrastructure for the Division

    Sub-Committee Membership and Projects:

    Social Committee

    • Co-chairs: Isabella Ferrante, Victor Diaz
    • Members: Oli Rodriguez, Sabrina Merritt


    • Annual divisional socials (Fall gathering, Christmas party, End of year party)
    • Networking opportunities and events

      Professional Development Committee

      • Co-Chairs: Isabel Villalobos-Galeana, Roy Pereira, S.J.
      • Member: Frank Albergo


      • Diversity, equity and inclusion training and development
      • Staff pipeline programs and opportunities
      • Promoting external professional development opportunities

      New Staff Orientation and Staff On-Boarding

      • Co-chairs: Caitlyn Ratcliffe, Yadi Enciso
      • Members: Jenny Fukunaga, Michelle Kiser, Rainey Lynch


      • New Staff Orientation and on-boarding series
      • Staff on-boarding practices and procedures

      Communications Subcommittee

      • Chair: Maribel Andrade


      • LEO

      Professional Development Skills:
      1. Teamwork
      2. Communication Skills
      3. Professional Development facilitation
      4. Event Planning
      5. Project Management
      6. Listening
      7. Organizational Culture

      Time Commitment:
      Estimated time commitment, by hours, per week: 1-2 hours

    • Purpose:
      Represents and advises the Division in assessment and research aimed at supporting a culture of intentional inquiry.

      1. Advise Division and individual departments on assessment and research efforts.
      2. Represent individual departments to both the SARAC committee and back at home departments.
      3. Assist the Division with developing assessment and evaluation measures.
      4. Identify Divisional assessment projects.
      5. Support the Division in all WSCUC-related activities.
      6. Support University-wide student focused assessment.
      7. In cooperation with the Office for Surveys and Evaluation, manage the SARAC survey calendar and serve as agents for responsible use of surveys in assessment and research.

      1. Successful integration of any new data/annual report related products.
      2. Division wide collaboration and support of all national surveys conducted by SAR&A.
      3. Continued education on departmental assessments/projects.
      4. Open place to share research and assessment findings from all areas of the Division.

      Brandon D. Harris, Ed.D.

      Julia Wade, Ed.D.

      Appointed Team Members:
      To Be Announced

      Selected Team Members:

      Number of open selected team member positions: varies each year

      Professional Development Skills:
      1. Communication Skills:

      • Keep others adequately informed and;
      • Convey information in both verbal and written formats as appropriate for the needs of the target audience.

      2. Demonstrate Critical Thinking and Cognitive Reasoning:

      • Demonstrate the ability to obtain and analyze facts, consider related impacts, and arrive at sound conclusions.

      3. Develop Management and Leadership Skills: 

      • Work in a complex environment, and completing tasks within regulation and compliance criterion.
      • Articulate team goals and expectations to team members, and motivating them to achieve their best.
      • Explain big picture scenarios, and showing how responsibilities relate to the larger organization.

      Time Commitment:
      Estimated time commitment, by hours, per week: 1 hour

    • Committee Charge:

      • As aligned in the university strategic plan for Spotlight 1/Action item 5 the committee will support student life programs and initiatives that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.
      • Develop and execute a Student Affairs JEDI strategic plan to address areas of challenge,
        strength, and growth.
      • Provide consultation, feedback, and recommendations to unit systemic analysis.
      • Develop and operationalize accountability measures for unit and divisional systemic analysis recommendations, goals, and priorities.
      • Advise and consult with Staff EXP, Student EXP and other programming and educational entities in the division to ensure JEDI considerations.

      Committee Structure:

      The committee will be a standalone Divisional committee, reporting directly to the Senior Vice President of Student Affairs. While the reporting structure will ensure Divisional scope and capacity, the committee will also be responsible for holding accountable the OSVPSA, and all its Divisional areas of responsibility. The following outlines the staff and time commitment for those serving on the committee.

      The committee will be comprised of a diverse cross section of knowledgeable members of the Student Affairs staff that have expertise in the subject matter. There will be a few standing seats on the committee to ensure continuity, relevance, and strategic movement on JEDI efforts. Additional staff will be selected based on their role, interest, and expertise in JEDI work and be invited to serve by Divisional leadership. The number of persons on the committee will be determined by the SVPSA and may vary year to year. The SVPSA will consult with the VP for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion to identify recommendations for university representatives.

      The following will constitute the committee composition:

      Chair Appointed by SVPSA
      SA Chief of Staff Standing seat

      Divisional Assessment Representative Standing seat

      Management Team or SALT Representative Standing seat, rotating person

      Ethnic and Intercultural Representative Standing seat, rotating person

      JEDI Student Affairs Representative Standing seat, rotating person

      JEDI University Representative Standing seat, rotating person

      Staff from a programming unit Standing seat, rotating person

      Staff from a service unit Standing seat, rotating person

      Staff with interest at discretion of SVPSA

    • Purpose:

      The purpose of the Student EXP Committee is to provide comprehensive opportunities for students and staff to meaningfully engage, explore, practice, and master the 5 Pillar Practices of the Student EXPerience. Our aim is to enliven the co-curricular life of campus, and intentionally support the student experience through the lens of the five pillar practices. The committee coordinates divisional communication strategies, training and development opportunities for students and staff, pillar education initiatives, and pillar programming/resource offerings.

      Goals and Objectives:

      1. Inspire a culture within the division of Student Affairs that centers the pillars at the conceptual stages of planning for events, programs, and resource offerings. 
      2. Educate students on the five pillar practices.
      3. Coordinate professional development and training for divisional staff and programmers. 
      4. Increase marketing (and knowledge of marketing resources) for campus events, resources and programs.
      5. Provide pillar education and divisional programming administration and support for staff.
      6. Coordinate divisional calendaring and planning meetings.
      7. Inspire cross-departmental communication and collaboration around the Student EXP and pillars. 
      8. Orient new staff to the Student EXP, divisional staff, divisional work, and divisional ethos. 


      1. Creative, innovative, and intentional pillar connections that enliven the Student EXP at LMU.
      2. Divisional buy-in, engagement, and accountability for the Student EXP and pillars.
      3. Cross-departmental communication and collaboration around the Student EXP and pillars.
      4. Centralized and consolidated programming resources.
      5. Clear, consumable, decongested marketing/communication package for greater market saturation. 
      6. Divisional ethos of collegiality, collaboration, transparency, trust, support, and fun!

      Briana Maturi, director of Student Transitions and Success


      Appointed Team Members:

      • Ashley Skutt, communications, standing
      • Vacant, assessment, standing
      • Vacant, LEO lead, standing
      • Briana Maturi, management team
      • ASLMU advisor, standing (in any capacity)
      • ASLMU programming advisor, standing (in any capacity)
      • MANE Entertainment, standing (in any capacity)
      • RHA advisor, standing (in any capacity)
      • SFL advisor, standing (in any capacity)
      • SOC advisor, standing (in any capacity)
      • All SA staff members with programming responsibilities
      • All SA resource units responsible for pillar implantation 

      Sub-Team Positions:

      • Pillar Education
      • Pillar Programming
      • Professional Development and Training

      Professional Development Skills:
      1. Develop programming skills and expertise.
      2. Develop communications and marketing techniques and skills.
      3. Develop budget responsibilities, tools, and skills.
      4. Participate in divisional assessment exercises and data collection.
      5. Develop leadership models, mentorship, and skills.
      6. Discover opportunities and pathways for promotion and divisional responsibilities.
      7. Influence divisional programmatic decisions, programs, and initiatives. 
      8. Work collaboratively with various colleagues, units and departments across the Division.

      Time Commitment:
      Estimated time commitment, by hours, per week: 1-3


    • Purpose:
      Student Affairs Resource Administrators (SARAs) are trained members of the Student Affairs team. SARAs are assigned to students when the university receives a report of sexual or interpersonal misconduct (SIM), regardless of whether the student chooses to bring the case through the conduct process. The SARAs' primary role is to identify university and community resources that may benefit the student and to serve as an objective, nonjudgmental source of support after the student reports SIM or after the student learns they have been accused of SIM.

      1. Objectively and nonjudgmentally support students who have either filed a report or who have been accused of sexual or interpersonal misconduct.
      2. Provide resources for the aforementioned students.
      3. Build connection with students and other members of the Division of Student Affairs.
      4. Work cross-sectionally within LMU.
      5. Partner with members of the LMU community and the greater Los Angeles community when providing support to the student.
      6. Document all communication with student and update documentation regularly.

      1. Create cross-campus and community partnerships.
      2. Connect with students during a critical time in their lives.
      3. Case management for highly sensitive issues.
      4. Implement supportive measures including housing and academic accommodations, among others.

      Becca Okida, associate director of OSCCR

      Appointed Team Member:
      Francesca Piumetti, chief conduct officer

      Selected Team Members:
      Number of open selected team member positions: varies each year

      Professional Development Skills:
      1. Communication
      2. Case management work with sensitive issues
      3. Critical thinking
      4. Emotional intelligence
      5. Attention to detail

      Time Commitment:
      SARAs are typically assigned 2-5 cases a year. Each case is unique and as such the time commitment for each case varies.

    • Purpose:
      In support of the LMU and the Division of Student Affairs, the purpose of the Mission and Identity program is to raise consciousness among the members of the Division of Student Affairs as to how the Mission and Identity of the university informs our work in Student Affairs.

      1. To provide environments, programs and experiences which promote staff growth and development of the mind and spirit.
      2. To instill in staff the value of service.
      3. To engage in collaboration with broader LMU community.
      4. To engage consciousness of the Mission and Identity program for Student Affairs.

      1. Monthly Compañeros Newsletters.
      2. Into the Street Day of Service program at the end of the academic year (May/June).
      3. Involve Director of Ignatian Spirituality Center in ongoing formation of staff.
      4. Getting more staff members to join the Mission and Identity Committee.

      Paul Vu, S.J.

      Selected Team Members:
      Number of open selected team member positions: 6-8

      Professional Development Skills:
      1. Opportunity to learn more about Ignatian spirituality.
      2. Engage in service of faith and promotion of justice.
      3. Opportunity to envision and lead programs as members of the Mission and Identity Committee.
      4. Interact with other members within the Division.

      Time Commitment:
      Estimated time commitment, by hours, per week: 1 hour

    • Purpose:
      The purpose of the Student Leadership Initiative is the implementation of a coordinated and collaborative student leader training program designed around student learning needs that accomplishes both department and divisional priorities.

      1. Identify student leader training needs on an annual basis.
      2. Create a comprehensive student leader training program.
      3. Provide networking and relationship building opportunities for student leaders.
      4. Provide soft skill leadership training opportunities for student leaders.
      5. Streamline and coordinate duplicitous training programs.
      6. Communicate Divisional messages and priorities to student leaders.
      7. Create shared leadership experiences and a shared language for student leaders.

      1. Curate independent online training opportunities for student leaders.
      2. Coordinate unit specific student leader on-boarding programs.
      3. Create community wide training opportunity(s) for student leaders across campus.

      Open - 1 year Term - 2021-22 academic year

      Selected Team Members:
      Number of open selected team member positions: 8-10

      Professional Development Skills:
      1. Enhance knowledge of student leadership education best practices.
      2. Develop large scale leadership education programming skills.
      3. Work collaboratively with colleagues in the Division on overall program development.
      4. Work independently to deliver specific elements of the overall project.
      5. Develop communication and marketing skills, including written, verbal and social media skills.
      6. Perform assessment and data collection of student leadership education programs.

      Time Commitment:
      Estimated time commitment, by hours, per week: 1 hour per week during the year; Summer-September increased time commitment.