The Center for Service and Action supports and recognizes students committed to serving the greater Los Angeles community and beyond. We offer various grants and awards throughout the year.
- Empowerment Grant
- Riordan Awards
- RSHM Awards
The purpose of the Empowerment Grant is to provide LMU students with seed money which is to be used for special events, activities & programs with service and social justice elements. Special consideration will be granted to those groups and individuals collaborating with CSA's Community Partners.
LMU students (group/club/organization/individuals) may apply for a grant of up to $375 for a service project or activity with the objective of making a positive impact on the LMU or Los Angeles community and/or increasing awareness of a social justice topic. Please take the time to read the following information to familiarize yourself with the application/post-event process.
Application Review
Applications will be reviewed on the first of the month and you will receive a response from the EG coordinator within 5 working days. Upon completion of your project and event, you are required to submit your receipts. Please note that you must complete and submit the Empowerment Grant Post-Event Progress Report (on LEO) and any/all original receipts so that reimbursements may be processed.
Applications are due the first business day of the month. If your event is the first week of the month, you must apply in the preceding month's deadline to ensure ample time to review applications. See chart below for clarification if you are unsure of which deadline is appropriate for your event.
Conditions and Requirements
- The Empowerment Grant functions on a reimbursement basis. Approved individuals, groups, or organizations will need access to funds necessary for the project prior to the event. Reimbursement funds will be available after the completion of the event. In order to be reimbursed, applicants must turn in original receipts, event/project photos, and a detailed progress report to the EF coordinator.
- Any significant changes to the project or budget must be approved by the EG Coordinator before the event date.
- Approved applicants must complete the Post-Event Progress Report on the CSA portal on LEO and contact the EG coordinator to schedule a Post-Event Reflection Interview and present all original receipts 2 weeks after the event date in order to be reimbursed.
- All proposals must have a service or social justice focus that will benefit the LMU community and/or any community partners or organizations.
- All events, activities, or programs must collaborate with a community partner, 501(c)(3) determined by the Internal Revenue Service.
- All proposals must include project dates that occur in the same semester as the application in which the proposal is submitted.
- Requests cannot exceed $375 per project.
- Funds may not be used for personal expenses, which include but are not limited to: applicant accessory, clothing, living, medical, or school expenses and supplies not listed on application form.
- Funds may be used for the following: project supplies particular to the event (for example: a cleanup of a local youth center that requires paint, brushes, brooms, dust pans, ect.), publicity, food, and transportation costs. Funding outside of the above parameters must be approved by CSA.
- Projected expense summaries must be included with the application, detailed, and typed onto an Excel spreadsheet. For example, Home Depot-Paint $50, brushes $30, brooms $20, Total = $100.
- Requests may not duplicate Student Activity Fee Allocation Board (SAFAB) requests. SAFAB award notification may be requested by CSA for verification purposes.
- Individual/Groups/Organizations will not be funded more than once per semester.
The Pam Rector Center for Service and Action presents six Riordan Community Service Awards annually to recognize LMU students for their outstanding contributions in the area of community service, exemplifying the LMU's tradition of being people "for and with others." Community service is defined as volunteer service outside LMU with a focus on solidarity and service in communities where the needs are greatest. Selected recipients will receive a $1,000 award.
- Must be currently enrolled at LMU
- Must have completed at least 25* hours of service during one semester at one non-profit agency, church, or school
- Must have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA
- Must not have any open conduct cases with OSCCR - judicial records of final candidates will be reviewed
You will be asked to submit the following
- Basic applicant info
- Upload unofficial transcript
- Agency/non-profit info
- 1-2 page reflection describing your impact on the community you served, how you were affected by this service, and how you exemplified LMU's tradition of being "for and with others."
- 1 paragraph recognizing and expressing gratitude towards the agency you volunteered with.
- 2 letters of recommendation; at least one letter has to be from your off-campus placement supervisor AND that same recommender should confirm the amount of hours you completed in the letter. You are responsible for receiving and submitting the letters in this form.
The RSHM Senior Service award is co-sponsored by the Center for Service and Action and the Religious of Sacred Heart of Mary to honor graduating seniors who have demonstrated their commitment to service and justice through off-campus volunteer service.
- Must be an LMU student graduating in spring or summer
- Must have completed at least 250* hours of service during their time at LMU (hours can include Alternative Breaks, Special Games, and Community-based learning.)
You will be asked to submit the following
- Basic applicant info;
- Service hours summary and service supervisor contact info;
- 1 page reflection answering the following questions:
- How were you transformed by your service?
- How will you continue to serve others and promote justice in your life after LMU?
- 4-5 sentence biography that includes your background, service summary, impact service had in your life, and your plans upon graduation.
- 4-5 sentence paragraph recognizing and expressing gratitude towards an agency/non-profit you volunteered with.