Address Reporting

Regulations require that Exchange Visitors (J-1 & J-2) report any change of address, phone or email address within 10 days of the change. Please submit Contact Info Update e-form under J-1 Scholar Services in MyStatus.


For temporary travel overseas, Exchange Visitors must secure the following in order to return to the U.S.:

Valid passport

Valid J-1 or J-2 visa

Valid DS-2019 with a current travel signature from OISS

SEVIS fee receipt

To request a travel signature, please submit a Travel Signature Request in MyStatus. Once endorsed, a travel signature is valid for 1 year.

Note: An exchange visitor that is going to be outside the US for more than 30 days on an extended absence that is work-related, must submit Out of Country Request in MyStatus.

Automatic Visa Revalidation

Automatic visa revalidation allows J-1/J-2 holders to enter the U.S. from Canada, Mexico, or one of the adjacent islands to the U.S. (other than Cuba) on an expired J-1/J-2 visa if the trip is not exceeding 30 days.

Incident Reporting

Scholars and faculty sponsors must promptly notify OISS of any serious incident or allegation involving a J-1 Exchange Visitor sponsored by Loyola Marymount University (LMU) or Loyola Law School (LLS) the same day the incident or allegation occurs. Incidents are defined as situations that have or could endanger the health, safety, or welfare of an exchange visitor or otherwise could be expected to bring the Department of State, the Exchange Visitor Program, or LMU/LLS's exchange visitor program into notoriety or disrepute. Please submit Incident Report e-form in MyStatus.

Occasional Lecture and Consultation

J-1 scholars in the Professor, Research Scholar, or Short-Term Scholar category may be authorized to participate in occasional lectures and short-term consultations that are incidental to the J-1 scholar’s primary program activities. The authorization must be obtained from OISS in writing prior to engaging in the activity. Please submit Occasional Lecture and Consultation eform in MyStatus.


Exchange Visitors may extend their stay to continue with the same research program, provided that the faculty sponsor supports the extension. A J-1 Extension Scholar Application must be submitted in MyStatus at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of current DS-2019.

J-2 Dependent

Dependents (spouse & child) of J-1 Exchange Visitors may visit, live and stay under J-2 dependent status in the U.S. as long as J-1 Exchange Visitor is physically present. Same regulations govern J-2 dependents, including international travel, and maintaining J-2 status. J-2 spouse is eligible to apply for Employment Authorization Document (EAD) while living in the U.S., as long as the income from J-2 employment will not be used to support J-1 Exchange Visitor. For more information, please consult the scholar advisor at OISS.

Program Completion

Exchange Visitors may remain in the U.S. up to 30 days from program end date on DS-2019. This additional 30 day is called Grace Period, where EVs may prepare for their departure, travel within the U.S. only, or change their
visa status to another visa category. During the grace period, EVs are not allowed to engage in research/teaching activities, or work. Upon completion of your program at LMU, Exchange Visitors must inform OISS of their final
departure date from the U.S.