International students enrich and enliven the Loyola Marymount University campus with their diversity, collective experiences and varied perspectives. Through the administration of a number of programs and services, the Office for International Students and Scholars strives to promote mutual understanding and cross-cultural exchange among LMU's international and local students.
International Students at LMU by the Numbers
By Country
101 countries represented on campus by international students and scholars.
Top 10 countries of enrollment:
- Indonesia - 188
- China - 125
- Kuwait - 65
- Saudi Arabia - 60
- India - 50
- Canada - 27
- Singapore - 16
- United Kingdom - 20
- South Korea - 19
- Brazil - 15
- Vietnam - 15
By Student
Total enrollment - 924, by type:
- Undergraduates - 673 (60%)
- Graduates (including Loyola Law School) - 251 (22%)
- Alumni on Post-Completion Practical Training - 203 (18%)
By gender:
- Female - 555 (49%)
- Male - 572 (51%)
By College & Major
Percentage of enrollment by college:
- Education - 51 (6%)
- Business - 344 (40%)
- Film and TV - 106 (12%)
- Liberal Arts - 158 (18%)
- Science & Engineering - 126 (14%)
- Communications & Fine Arts - 75 (9%)
- Law - 0 (0%)
Top majors:
- ENTR - 97
- FNCE - 84
- PROD - 81
- MRKT - 58
- ECON - 38
- CIVL - 35
- BADM - 34
- ACCT - 33
- CMST - 28
- MGMT - 28