Orientation & Address Verification

FAQs About the Address Verification System

    • You do not need to complete this process. If you continue to receive email reminders, let us know at OCSL@lmu.edu so we can make sure you are on the exclusion listing.

    • Students need to verify their addresses once per academic year.

    • Yes, please contact OCSL@lmu.edu so we can verify whether you are in our system.

    • First, try using a different browser, such as Firefox or Chrome. If the orientation process still does not work, contact OCSL@lmu.edu or visit our office on the third floor of Malone, and we will look at it together. 

    • Sometimes, this can be because of the different ways of spelling addresses and using abbreviations. Contact our office (OCSL@lmu.edu) and we will troubleshoot this together.

    • No, apartment complex names are not required. Be sure to include your unit number in the address.

    • Email OCSL@lmu.edu and we will assist you.

    • Verify your address at Off Campus Student Life, located in Malone 301.

    • We accept all kinds of documentation for address verification! Some examples include utility bills, magazine subscriptions, lease agreements, packages, and more. Unfortunately, we are not able to use a driver’s license for address verification.

    • Check for existing holds by logging into PROWL (Student Services>Registration>View Holds).

    • If you know what steps you are missing in the OCAV process, finishing those will result in the hold automatically being removed. If you do not know what steps you are missing, please contact OCSL@lmu.edu to learn more.