LMU students are encouraged to report any incident of sexual or interpersonal misconduct to the university.
LMU's jurisdiction extends to student conduct which occurs on university premises — in study abroad programs or at university events, programs or activities, both on and off campus, as well as to other off-campus misconduct which adversely affects the university, students, the university's reputation or good will and/or the pursuit of the university's mission, goals and objectives.
For more in depth information, please refer to both the Student Sexual and Interpersonal Misconduct Policy (SIM Policy) and the Student Title IX Policy (Title IX Policy).
File a Student Conduct Code Complaint
Students are encouraged to file a report alleging sexual or interpersonal misconduct with the Department of Public Safety (DPS). DPS is available for reports 24/7. You may file a report via any of the following channels:
- In person at Foley Annex
- By calling DPS at 310.338.2893 or 222 from any campus landline phone
- By completing an E-Report
Upon receiving a report of sexual or interpersonal misconduct, DPS will promptly notify the Title IX Coordinator. DPS, the Title IX Coordinator, or designee, will reach out to the student who filed the report to gather more information. When a student reports an incident of sexual or interpersonal misconduct, they will be assigned a Student Affairs Resource Administrator (SARA), who will reach out to provide a variety of resources.
You may also file a complaint directly with the Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator can be contacted by:
- Phone: 310.568.6105
- Email: titleix@lmu.edu
- Office: UHall 1900
Responsible Employees
With regard to sexual misconduct complaints, most LMU faculty and staff members are considered responsible employees and must timely report all allegations of sexual or interpersonal misconduct that they learn about to DPS. For more information regarding responsible employees, please review Section IV(A) in the Student Sexual and Interpersonal Misconduct Policy.
For a list of LMU faculty or staff members who are not responsible employees.
Requesting Privacy
Students reporting an incident of sexual or interpersonal misconduct to the University may request to have their information remain private. Students should be aware that in some instances, the University cannot guarantee privacy and if they request to have their information remain private, then the University's ability to effectively investigate and adjudicate the instance(s) of sexual or interpersonal misconduct may be impaired.
The University cannot guarantee privacy, and certain factors will be considered in determining whether the privacy request can be honored. These factors include:
- The Respondent has known prior allegations of sexual or interpersonal misconduct and a potential for a campus safety risk exists; or
- The location in which the alleged incident occurred is a location where previous complaints of sexual or interpersonal misconduct occurred, creating the potential for an unsafe environment for the LMU community or LMU community member; or
- A threat to the campus community at large has been identified; or
- The sexual or interpersonal misconduct was perpetrated with a weapon; or
- The victim is a minor; or
- Some combination of the above factors exists.
The Title IX Coordinator, in consultation with the Senior Vice President for Student Affairs or a designee, is responsible for determining whether the privacy of the Complainant can be honored. If the decision is made that privacy cannot be honored, then the University will only inform the necessary individual and entities on campus required to perform a thorough investigation and adjudication of the complaint. The University will respond to any accusations of retaliation against the Complainant, Respondent or witnesses brought upon by the investigation or adjudication of the misconduct.
No Contact Order
A No Contact Order (a university order that forbids a student from having any form of contact — including, but not limited to, physical, written, verbal and/or electronic — with another student for a specific period of time) will be issued and explained to the Complainant and the Respondent, particularly emphasizing that the university has a policy against retaliation.
Complaint Process
Once a report is filed with DPS, the student will be given options on how to proceed, which include: the informal resolution process, the conduct process (which may involve the process outlined in the Title IX Policy) or receiving support only. The conduct process will generally not move forward unless the student who files the report agrees to participate.
In certain instances, such as a perceived immediate threat to the LMU Community or an LMU community member, the Title IX Coordinator may file a formal complaint even if the student does not wish to move forward with the conduct process. If the Title IX Coordinator chooses this option, the student who files the initial report will not be required to participate in the conduct process but will still receive supportive measures.
Anonymous Data Collection
Reporting an incident of sexual or interpersonal misconduct to DPS may result in anonymous data collection that will be included in the University's Annual Security Report as required under the Jeanne Clery Act. This information will only include nature, date, time and general location of each crime, as well as the current status (or "disposition") of the complaint within the University.
Student Affairs Resource Administrator
A student may also speak with a Student Affairs Resource Administrator (SARA). SARAs will make themselves available, separately, to assist both the Complainant and the Respondent in identifying university and external resources that are available to them in the context of alleged sexual misconduct or interpersonal misconduct.
Safety and Well-Being
In cases alleging Title IX sexual harassment or sexual or interpersonal misconduct, the Senior Vice President for Student Affairs, or a designee, may coordinate supportive measures, including, but not limited to, changes in academic, residential, transportation and/or work accommodations, intended to ensure the well-being of the complainant, the respondent, the investigatory process and/or the university community while the complaint is being investigated and prior to the determination of the allegation.
Any supportive measures taken will be designed and implemented in a manner intended to achieve the purpose stated above while at the same time limiting (to the extent possible) any adverse effect to the complainant's or the Respondent's academic standing or progress.