Restorative Justice Practices

Restorative Justice Practices & Conflict Engagement Services

Four male and female students sitting outside on campus talking.

In alignment with Loyola Marymount University’s mission of education of the whole person, LMU Restore aims to help students grow in their development of skills for managing conflict when it naturally occurs through providing education and resolution options. LMU Restore also fosters relationship building and harm prevention efforts for the campus community focused on transformative, equity-based policy, practice and systems change. 

Community Building and Problem-Solving Circles

Embodying a participatory, egalitarian and meaningful way to enhance and strengthen the campus community, these conversations break down barriers and in the case of problem-solving circles, offer a process for decision-making. The aim is to help build a positive campus climate where everyone can potentially feel heard and valued. A trained, impartial LMU facilitator would ask a group to determine the topic(s) ahead of time.


  • Provide a safe and structured space for voluntary group conversations.
  • Offer a way for the group to express their concerns and generate action plans.

Restorative Conferences

The Restorative Conference brings everyone affected by harm, along with their supporters, together to provide an opportunity to resolve things collectively. The goal of this process is to hold people accountable for their actions and to give everyone a chance to be heard with a focus on how things could be resolved to move forward. This process requires a trained, impartial, Restorative Conferencing facilitator to ask the group three key questions:

  1. What happened?
  2. Who has been affected and how?
  3. What can be done to repair the harm?

In response to Student Conduct Code violations, the initial determination of eligibility for a Restorative Justice process will be left to the discretion of OSCCR and OSCCR reserves the right to terminate the process at any time. OSCCR may opt to postpone initiation of the conduct process in matters deemed potentially appropriate for a Restorative Justice Process.

Individual Consultation 

An opportunity to privately discuss a concern or issue with an impartial staff member. The meeting is an opportunity to learn about resources, explore options, including for a facilitated resolution process, although this does not have to be the goal or reason for the visit.   

Conflict Profile: LMU Restore also offers a free online, brief Conflict Assessment for students who are interested in gaining more insight and awareness of their behavior around conflict. 

Group or Organization Consultation  

An impartial staff member is available to meet and work with student groups and Registered Student Organizations. This resource can take multiple forms, all beginning with a consultation with the impartial staff member to listen to the concern, assist with identifying goals and collaboratively generating options for moving forward. The consultation can take place with an individual or multiple members of the group or organization.  


An informal process that assists groups in respectful dialogue, collaborative decision-making, establishing or resetting group norms and expectations. An impartial staff member guides the facilitation to help two or more people achieve mutual understanding or reach a decision. The goal of facilitation is to help individuals and groups efficiently and collaboratively work together toward their larger common goals and interests. 

  • We have curated a list of resources here: The libguide will continue to be updated with more key resources. In addition, you may send suggestions for resources to be added to

  • The Restorative Justice Network of Catholic Campuses (RJNCC)  is a network of committed restorative justice scholars and practitioners based out of the University of San Diego Center for Restorative Justice. The RJNCC encourages Catholic campuses to articulate and cultivate restorative principles and to assist each other in strengthening interest, commitment, and implementation of restorative practices on their campuses.

    LMU is proud to participate in the Network and LMU's Julia Wade serves as a member of the RJNCC Planning Team.

  • LMU Restore in the Division of Student Affairs at Loyola Marymount University aims to help students grow in their development of skills for managing conflict when it naturally occurs through providing education and resolution options. It also fosters relationship building and harm prevention efforts for the campus community focused on transformative, equity-based policy, practice and systems change. LMU Restore was awarded an Innovation Grant from the Jesuit Association of Student Personnel Administrators (JASPA) that was executed between 2020-2022. The grant funded the Restorative Justice Conference Facilitators Apprenticeship. Read the grant summary report here.

  • OSCCR has been engaging in a partnership with LMU's Center for Urban Resilience (CURes) since summer 2018. The LMU CURes' Restorative Justice Project provides communities with safe, inclusive and effective tools to help develop relationships while building and maintaining a healthy environment. OSCCR formally implemented Restorative Practices in fall 2018.

    Total Number of: 2023-24 2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19
    Staff Trainings 12 13 14 11 10 4
    Student Trainings &
    Circle Facilitations
    15 9 5 6 6 N/A
    Presentations 6 1 3 2 N/A N/A
    Cases Identified as
    Eligible for
    RJ Conference
    5 7 14 2 19 2
    Conferences Completed 4 5 11 0 7 1
    Declined Conference 0 2 2 0 10 1
    Complainant Resolved
    Issue of Own
    1 0 1 2 2 0


  • Are you experiencing a conflict? Need to talk about a problem? Trying to figure out how to address a group issue?

    To request assistance with a conflict or request trainings and presentations for your organization/department, please submit the Restorative Options Request form. You may also contact LMU Restore at (310) 338-1821 or and a member of our team will follow up with you.

    Conflict engagement practices are not appropriate for emergency or crisis situations. If you are concerned for your own or another's safety, please contact the Department of Public Safety at (310) 338-2893.