Housing Policies

Updated: March 19, 2024

Housing License Agreement

2025-2026 Housing License Agreement

2024-2025 Housing License Agreement

Housing Policies



Student Housing Office Mission Statement:

In the spirit of the University and Student Affairs missions, the Student Housing Office creates a living and learning environment by providing programs and services that empower students to realize their potential in mind, body and spirit within a community that honors human diversity and accepts students as individuals; each with rights and responsibilities.

The Student Housing Policies are based on the concept of responsible freedom and reflect the importance of consideration for others' rights to a healthy living and learning environment. These policies are not intended to define appropriate and inappropriate behaviors in exhaustive terms. For further information, please refer to the LMU Community Standards document for more detailed descriptions of campus-wide policies and the conduct process. Violation of the Student Housing policies and community standards are grounds for conduct action. Disciplinary sanctions may be levied through the conduct process. The disciplinary sanctioning will vary from warning, to eviction to dismissal from the university. 

For more information, contact your building staff or the Student Housing Office, Leavey 6 101, 310-338-2963.

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Residents must abide by Area Office policies and procedures. For more information about Area Offices and its policies, refer to LMU Student Housing Area Office website.

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A. Installation of a personal satellite dish is prohibited in University Housing facilities.

B. Students are responsible for ensuring the care and equitable use of community entertainment devices. These devices include but are not limited to communal televisions, remotes, gaming consoles, streaming devices, etc.

C. Wireless access to LMU’s network must be authenticated with a valid LMU network account. Only Information Technology Services sanctioned and installed access points are permitted on the LMU network. Residents are expected to abide by ITS guidelines as it relates to personal wireless routers or any devices that may interfere with LMU’s wireless infrastructure (such as wireless printers) within their residential room or communal residential space. Students are prohibited from tampering with wireless access points, Print-Me stations, and university “VOIP” phones. Unauthorized modification of the aforementioned items are prohibited and subject to disciplinary action and/or fines. 

All LMU student, faculty, staff, etc. are expected to adhere to Information Technology Services policies. Information Technology Services has the right to change or amend these policies at their discretion. Information Technology Services can be contacted at 310.338.7777.

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1. Cooking is only permitted in the apartments/pods and any designated communal kitchen space. Residents in residence halls may use hot pots or coffee pots.

2. All other kitchen appliances, including but not limited to, hot plates, blenders, air fryers, rice cookers, steamers, electric frying pans, electric grills, electric/portable stoves, toasters and toaster ovens is not permitted in residence halls and suites.

3. Free standing microwaves are available in residence hall common areas and are not permitted in residence hall rooms.

4. Residents in the residence halls may rent a micro-fridge (microwave oven combined

with a refrigerator) from Collegiate Concepts or other University approved vendors. Residents are permitted to have only one micro-fridge, or one mini-fridge, per room that does not exceed 4.5 cubic feet.


1. All apartment communities are provided with a microwave in the communal kitchen area Residents are prohibited from bringing an additional microwave into their residential space. Free standing microwaves are not permitted in any personal room of an apartment, pod, or house.

2. Residents in apartments and pods may rent a micro-fridge (microwave oven combined with a refrigerator) from Collegiate Concepts or other University approved vendors. Only one micro-fridge is permitted per room.

C. Residents are allowed to have a refrigerator in their residence hall room as long as it does not exceed 4.5 cubic feet. All refrigerators must be Underwriter Laboratories (U.L.) approved, in good working condition, and may not be operated in a closet or other enclosed area. Also, residents in the residence halls may rent a micro-fridge (microwave oven combined with a refrigerator) from Collegiate Concepts. Residents are permitted to have only one micro-fridge, or one mini-fridge, per room that does not exceed 4.5 cubic feet.

D. Community grills are available in various residential communities. Students must contact the building’s Resident Director in order to receive access to the community grill. Terms and conditions of community grill use is subject to the discretion of the Resident Director.

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A. Residents are responsible for the condition of their residential space, the furnishings and equipment. Students will be billed for any damages that exceed normal wear and tear. Residents must document the physical condition of their room by carefully reviewing and completing the Room Inventory Form (RI) online (MyLMU > Campus Life > Student Housing Portal > Room Inventory) by Wednesday of the first week of classes or within 48 hours of a room change. Otherwise, it will be assumed that there was no existing damage at move-in. 

B. In shared residential spaces, damage charges will be divided equally among all residents unless the person responsible for the damage claims responsibility via the Damage Responsibility Form in the Student Housing Portal.

C. Damages to common areas (hallways, lounges, bathrooms, etc.) will be charged to all residents of a particular wing, floor, building or living area unless a responsible party can be identified.

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A. Only non-marring adhesives may be used to hang posters, pictures and other decorations (i.e., Command Brand products).

B. No decorations of any kind should be placed on or hung from the ceiling.

1. Decorations of any kind may not be placed across hallways or walk spaces.

C. Residents may not install or place objects, appliances or equipment in or on windows, walls, sills, roofs or ledges.

1. Stickers and decals may not be applied to any surface such as windows, furniture, walls or doors. Due to the unstable nature of the Southern California terrain, stacking of any type of item or container on the windowsills is prohibited. 

D. Residents may not paint any part of their room or apartment. Contact (i.e., Con-Tact) paper is also prohibited when decorating any part of the room; it is difficult to remove and will cause damage.

E. Walls and doors should not have decorations that cover more than 50% of the original surface.

F. PROHIBITED DECORATIVE ITEMS, include but are not limited to:

1. Cut or live trees.

2. The burning of candles, except in the use of necessary religious practices. In these

instances, residents may not leave lit candles unattended.

3. Dartboards.

G. All decorations, signs, and other materials should comply with the University Student Code of Conduct and Freedom of Expression Policy. Posting of stolen or unauthorized signs and signs or promotional material involving alcohol or other drugs, including empty alcohol containers/packaging, is not permitted.

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A. Specific evacuation procedures are posted in each building. Residents can contact their Resident Director for further information about community-specific evacuation procedures. During an evacuation, residents must follow these guidelines:

1. Wear shoes and appropriate clothing.

2. Exit building in an orderly fashion.

3. Use the closest exit.

4. Do not use elevators.

5. Stand away from the building at the designated safe refuge area. Student Housing or Public Safety staff will inform students when they may return to the building. Designated safe refuge areas are as follows:

a. Sunken Gardens: Del Rey North, Del Rey South, Desmond, Rosecrans, Whelan, Doheny, Palm North Hall, and Palm South Apartments.

b. Alumni Mall: McKay, Hannon Apartments, Tenderich Apartments.

c. O’Malley Lawn: McCarthy, Rains, O’Malley Apartments, Leavey 4 Apartments, Leavey 5 Apartments, Leavey 6 Apartments.

B. Residents are prohibited from deliberately remaining in the building during an evacuation (this includes fire alarms). See Section IX – FIRE SAFETY section below, for more information.

C. If a fire is outside your residential space and it is unsafe to exit:

1. Crack a window and remain near the opened window.

2. Hang a bed sheet or any large light-colored cloth out the window. This will signal your location to emergency personnel.

3. Keep close to the floor and near the wall.

4. Remain calm and cooperate with the staff and emergency personnel during emergencies and drills. Familiarize yourself with the emergency procedures for your building.

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A. University Housing facilities are smoke-free environments. Refer to Section XXIV – SMOKING/NONSMOKING section for further details.

B. Do not tamper with the fire/life safety equipment. This includes, but is not limited to, removing the smoke detector or its battery from the wall.

1. Fire extinguishers are located throughout all residential facilities. They are to be used only in the event of a fire.

2. Individuals who are found tampering with the fire alarms or equipment will be subject to disciplinary action. The disciplinary sanctioning will vary from warning, to eviction, to dismissal from the University.

C. When an alarm sounds, the building must be evacuated. See Section VIII – EVACUATION PROCEDURES for further details.

D. All hallways and walkways must be kept clear to allow for safe entrance and exit to all individual rooms and residential units. Bathroom doors in the suites may not be locked or blocked from the bedroom side.

E. To enhance the safety of LMU residents, fire sprinklers have been installed in many of the residential facilities. Nothing may cover, be attached to, or be hung from any part of the fire sprinkler system. This includes, but is not limited to, sprinkler heads, cages and pipes. LMU is not responsible for damage cause by the fire sprinkler system.

F. Students shall not obstruct access to a window.

G. Do not leave electrical appliances unattended, while in use.

H. Use only Underwriter’s Laboratory (UL)-approved electrical appliances and equipment, including power strips and extension cords.

1. Power strips or surge protectors must be used in the event that the number of electrical appliances exceeds the number of electrical outlets. These must be UL approved, with a circuit breaker.

2. Only extension cords with a surge protector or circuit breaker are allowed in residential spaces.

3. Power strips, extension cords or surge protectors must be plugged directly into the wall and should not be used in a series (i.e. one power strip plugged into another).

4. The use of multiple ("squid") electrical adapters and ungrounded electrical appliances are not permitted inside or within 25 feet of University Housing facilities.

5. Extension cords or surge protectors with any signs of damage or overheating, including the use of electrical tape, are prohibited.

6. Major appliances such as, refrigerators, microfridges, coffee pots, and microwaves must be plugged directly into the wall, and not into the surge protector or power strip.

7. Extension cords should not run through openings in walls, ceilings or doorways. Cords should not be attached/fixed to any surface, nor should they run under carpets or flooring. Items such as loose clothing, papers, books or debris should not lie over or near surge protector, power strips or extension cords.

I. PROHIBITED FIRE SAFETY ITEMS, include but are not limited to:

1. Halogen lamps.

2. Lava lamps.

3. Open flames of any type, such as, the burning of incense, candles, coals, possession of combustible chemicals including propane, and other fuels are not permitted.

4. Personal barbecues.

5. Space heaters and heating blankets.

6. Window mounted or portable air conditioners.

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A. All residential spaces are fully furnished. Only designated University personnel are authorized to remove, replace and/or adjust furniture that is supplied with the room or common living area.

B. Residents may not remove furniture from any residential facility. Furniture or any personal items (e.g., shoes, clothing, equipment, etc.) may not be left in the hallway outside their space. See Section IX – FIRE SAFETY for further details.

C. Given the nature of the Southern California terrain, stacking beds, furniture and/or appliances on cinder blocks or any other props is not allowed.

D. Residents may not re-configure their bed height or dissemble any University furniture.

1. In order to have your bed configured differently, visit MyLMU and select Student Housing Portal from the Campus Life menu. The bed configuration request process is open prior to the start of the semester. After the second week of the semester, bed configuration requests can be made if a room change occurs and/or there are other extenuating circumstances by submitting a request via email to housing@lmu.edu.

2. Students are not permitted to bring their own frame/mattress, unless an accommodation is approved by the Disability Support Services office. Waterbeds are prohibited.

E. All University Housing facilities and furniture must be present, functional, and intact at time of move-out.

1. Residents will be charged for any items which are missing at the time of check out.

2. Residents will also be charged for removal of personal items left in their residential space. Any personal furniture must be removed when a student vacates their space.

F. Furnishings in common areas are for use by all members of the community. Residents may not remove furniture from common areas. Students are encouraged to report acts of vandalism or theft in regard to the common areas. Refer to Section VI – DAMAGE ASSESSMENT section regarding fees.

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A. A guest is a person who is not a resident of an assigned residential space or have employment responsibilities within a residential facility. Residents are responsible for, and will be held accountable for, the conduct of their guests per the Student Conduct Code and LMU Student Housing Policies.

B. Residents must always obtain the approval of their roommate(s) prior to the arrival of any guest. Residents are responsible for:

1. Any activity that occurs in their rooms, whether or not they are present at the time.

2. Escorting their guest(s), at all times.

3. Abiding by the Alcohol and Drug Policies section of LMU's Community Standards.

4. Abiding by the Guest Policy section of LMU’s Community Standards.

C. Residents are prohibited from having more than eight people (including residents) in a residence hall or suite room and no more than sixteen people (including residents) in apartments/houses. Residents of a pod community should refer to their Resident Director for guests limitations in their space. Violators of the policy may be subject to removal from University Housing.

D. Guests may stay no more than three consecutive nights and no more than a total of six nights per month. Guests are not permitted to stay overnight during finals week. Guests must have a picture ID at all times.

E. Guests who violate community standards, infringe upon the rights of residents and/or fail to follow the directives of University Officials (including but not limited to all student and professional Student Housing staff, and Public Safety) may be asked to leave Housing facilities or the LMU campus.

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A. Residents are responsible for maintaining their living quarters at a standard that neither interferes with normal university activities (e.g., doing work), normal residential activities (e.g., traversing the room), nor contributes to health hazards (e.g., promoting bacterial growth due to a failure to remove trash).

1. Failure to maintain living quarters at this standard is a cause for removal from University Housing.

B. Residents are prohibited from leaving personal trash or personal trash cans in hallways/corridors outside student residential spaces.

1. Vacuum cleaners are available through the Area Offices on a limited basis. A valid photo identification card is required to check out the vacuums and other cleaning supplies.

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A. It is illegal to duplicate, knowingly misuse, or be in unauthorized possession of a key or Onity-enabled OneCard that is property of LMU. Unauthorized use or possession of a master key or Onity-enabled OneCard is grounds for disciplinary action.

B. Residents are expected to keep their doors locked and secured whenever they depart their space. Residents are prohibited from propping/deadbolting a door while they are not present in the residential space.

C. Residents are expected to carry their Onity-enabled OneCards at all times. Residents may not allow other individuals to access their residential space with their Onity-enabled OneCard.

D. If a student is locked out of their residential unit, they must contact either Area Office staff, or Housing on-call staff. Requests for lockout assistance are tracked for each resident. Repeated requests for lockout assistance may result in fees assessed to your student account and/or follow-up from Housing staff.

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A. Laundry facilities are available in or near all buildings and are for resident use only. If clothing or belongings are damaged due to machine malfunction or when a machine is inoperable, residents should contact WASH, our external laundry machine vendor, online or at (800) 342-5932 to report the problem.

B. Residents must follow posted regulations in the laundry rooms.

C. Residents are not allowed to prop/deadbolt laundry room doors that is access controlled.

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Littering is prohibited. All trash/recycling must be properly discarded via a University Housing designated trash/recycling area. All residents are expected to follow posted signage regarding trash disposal and recycling as directed by Facilities Management.

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A. Residents must register their bicycles with the Department of Public Safety.

B. Bicycles may only be stored in student rooms, apartments, pods or on a bike rack outside of the building. Bicycles cannot be stored in hallways or other public, common areas. Residents must obtain approval from roommates before storing bicycles in shared rooms.

C. Vehicles, including, but not limited to bicycles, skateboards, scooters, or skates may not be used in the interior of buildings, on balconies, ledges, exterior corridors, or in any areas which may cause injury or damage to facilities.

D. No motorized vehicle, powered by combustible chemicals, may be stored or brought into University Housing facilities.

E. Hoverboards and third-party shared services (such as Bird or Lime scooters, Jump bikes, etc.) are not permitted, as outlined by the Department of Public Safety.

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A. Except for service or assistance animals as defined by applicable law whose presence has been authorized in writing by LMU Office of Disability and Support Services (DSS), animals of any kind are not allowed in University Housing facilities. This includes pets of guests or visitors who may be present in the building for a short time.

B. Service and assistance animals that are approved by the university and fish in a tank of 10 gallons or less are permitted in University Housing facilities. One 10-gallon tank per resident is permitted.

C. Student Housing strongly recommends following best practices for taking care of pets, including but limited to: ensuring pets are properly fed and use the appropriate relief areas. For more information, please refer to the DSS Guidelines Regarding Assistance Animals for Students with Disabilities.

D. Students who are approved by DSS and Student Housing to have animals on campus are required to abide by the expectations and policies given to them upon approval. Any violation of said policies may result in disciplinary action, which may include removal of the animal from residential facilities.

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A. Courtesy hours (an atmosphere conducive to reasonable living and studying) must be maintained 24-hours a day in all living areas. During courtesy hours, all forms of excessive noise activities are prohibited. Noise should not interfere with regular university and/or academic activities such as studying, completing assignments, etc. Residents are encouraged to address excess noise directly with their peers or inform Housing staff as appropriate.

B. Specific Quiet Hours are in effect from 10:00 PM until 8:00 AM on days preceding classes and from 12:30 AM until 8:00 AM on days not preceding classes. All residents must refrain from causing any noise or disruptions that could infringe on other students' right to study or sleep during these times. Noise from one's residential space should neither be audible outside the room door nor in adjacent rooms.

C. Use of amplified musical instruments and drums is prohibited in University Housing facilities except in McCarthy music practice rooms. Residents of McCarthy Hall may play amplified musical instruments and drums in the designated music practice rooms. The rooms are intended for individual practice, not group practice. See the McCarthy Hall Resident Director for further guidelines regarding usage of music practice rooms.

D. During final exam week, 24-hour Quiet Hours (as outlined in Letter B) will be enforced in all buildings beginning at 8:00 PM on the last day of classes.

E. Any University-operated off campus housing or other designated areas must abide by 24-hour Quiet Hours (as outlined in Letter B).

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A. Repairs and maintenance must be performed by authorized personnel only. Residents should report maintenance concerns in a timely manner by contacting Facilities Management at 310.338.7779 or emailing Quality.FM@lmu.edu. Failure to do so may result in charges being assessed to residents.

B. Residents may not modify bed configurations, locks, University-owned appliances, plumbing, electrical circuits, or other structural elements of their residential space.

C. Residents should not attempt to fix/remediate any structural or building damages.

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A. The University respects an individual's right to privacy; however, authorized University personnel may enter residential spaces without notice to: perform routine maintenance, conduct inspections, make necessary repairs to facilities and other related equipment, and verify occupancy. Health and Safety inspections are scheduled to be performed every semester. For more information, visit the Health and Safety Inspections webpage.

B. Entrance, inspections, and searches of student spaces are permitted without notice when there is reason to believe there is a danger to life, health, safety or property. Entrance without prior notice is also permitted:

1. When breach of University policies is suspected;

2. To ensure health and safety standards are being met;

3. In response to a maintenance request.

The University reserves the right to confiscate any prohibited items that are in violation of LMU Housing Policies or the Student Conduct Code. Residents must remove unapproved items from Housing facilities, as directed by the Resident Director.

C. Authorized personnel must carry appropriate University identification and show it upon student request. If entry is made when the resident is not in the space, notification of the entry will be provided.

D. University personnel will only grant access to a residential space to its assigned resident(s). In order to grant access to non-residents, (e.g., friends, relatives, other students), residents must provide written permission to their Resident Director or the Student Housing Office.

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A. Students are not permitted on the roofs, balconies, trellises or ledges of University facilities.

B. Throwing items, objects, substances, etc. out of or towards roofs, balconies, trellises, and ledges are prohibited.

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A. Student Housing staff assign student rooms and roommates. Housing staff reserves the right to make assignments and changes as necessary.

B. No room or roommate changes will be made during the first two weeks of each semester. Room changes will occur after the first two weeks, if vacancies are available.

C. All residents are required to complete a roommate agreement. Residence Life staff can help facilitate the roommate agreement, which will be kept on file with the Resident Director.

D. Residents are encouraged to talk to their roommate(s) first to resolve conflicts or violations of the roommate agreement. In cases where the residents cannot reach resolution on their own, they must consult with their Resident Advisor(s). The Resident Advisor(s) will attempt to resolve the situation through mediation.

E. If the residents and Resident Advisor cannot resolve the situation, students will be referred to the Resident Director who will attempt to mediate and resolve the situation. If students are interested in the room change process, the Resident Director will offer additional resources.

F. If residents would like to change rooms, they must begin by talking with their Resident Advisor or Resident Director. Residents are encouraged to find another student who is interested in exchanging rooms. Residents can also work with their Resident Director to identify available vacancies on campus. If no vacancies are available, residents must wait until a vacancy becomes available before being able to move.

G. Before movement can occur, students must receive approval of the room change from their Resident Director and complete additional paperwork with the Student Housing Office. Students may not preview new room assignments before moving and may not move to a new space without written approval from the main Student Housing Office. Once a room assignment is made, residents are unable to change the space. Students will have 48 hours to transition from their former space to their new space. Access to their former space will end within 48 hours.

H. There are no penalties for properly completed room changes. Failure to follow proper room change procedures will result in disciplinary action and/or fees charged to your student account.

I. If assigned to a temporary space, the goal of the Student Housing Office is to move students into a permanent space as soon as possible. Once a permanent space assignment is made, students must move to their new assignment and follow the respective instructions from Student Housing.

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A. LMU is not responsible for the theft or loss of valuables, money or other personal property.

1. Thefts should be reported immediately to your Resident Advisor and the Department of Public Safety.

B. All doors and windows should be locked when leaving your residential space.

C. Keep all building exit doors closed and/or locked at all times.

D. Do not let unknown people into the building.

E. Use of alarmed emergency exits are for emergencies only and any other purpose is prohibited. Propping open building entrances and exit doors is prohibited.

F. Throwing objects or substances at other people, into or out of windows, through doorways, or in the interiors of the buildings is prohibited at all times.

G. All members of LMU's residential community are responsible for being aware of and complying with the security regulations and encouraging others to do the same.

H. LMU residents who feel unsafe in their residential space need to contact their Resident Advisor, Resident Director, and/or Public Safety.

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A. Smoking, including the use of unregulated nicotine products (e.g., e-cigarettes, vaping, etc.), is not permitted in University Housing Facilities.

B. No smoking is permitted within 25 feet of a building.

1. Do not throw cigarettes or matches in trash cans/recycling cans. Appropriate disposal of such items should be in the nearest ashtray outside of the building.

C. Hookahs may not be smoked in or adjacent to any University Housing facility. Please contact Student Leadership and Development for policies and procedures for using hookahs in designated areas. Fully disassembled hookahs may be stored in University Housing facilities. However, having a fully or partially assembled hookah in your residential space is subject to disciplinary action.

D. Please refer to the Alcohol and Drug Policies section of the Community Standards document for more information regarding marijuana and other illicit drugs on campus.

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A. Only a registered student(s) or student co-curricular organizations, with approval of Student Housing, are permitted to solicit membership or sell approved goods in University Housing facilities. Door-to-door solicitation of any kind is prohibited, and residents should notify the Department of Public Safety or a Student Housing staff member if they observe door-to-door solicitation.

B. Permission is needed from Housing staff to promote campaigns, drives, etc.

C. Posting of flyers is prohibited. Flyers will be removed at the discretion of the Student Housing Office. Campus digital signage displays are communication platforms that provide a way to deliver important messages or promote events to reach students. Requests should be submitted via the Digital Signage Request Form.

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A. Due to limited space, the Student Housing Office is not able to provide storage facilities for residents. Residents needing storage space should arrange for a privately owned storage unit.

1. Any abandoned items left behind will be deemed as relinquished by the resident and will not be stored, kept, or preserved by the Student Housing Office. The Student Housing Office will not be held liable for any loss, damage, or disposal of items left behind by residents.

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A. Vandalism is prohibited. Vandalism is defined as acts of negligent behavior as well as willful and wanton damage or destruction of personal or University property. Vandalism is grounds for eviction from University housing. Vandalism of any kind may result in charges being assessed to residents.

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A. Possession of weapons and/or explosives is prohibited.


1. “Weapon” is defined as any object or substance designed or utilized to inflict a wound, cause injury, incapacitate, or cause a nuisance. Weapons include but are not limited to, all firearms, ammunition, chukka sticks, explosives, laser pointers, pellet guns, knives, projectile launchers and chemicals, such as mace or tear gas. This definition also includes decorative, replica and look-alike Weapons that are not functional, but reasonably appear to others to be real Weapons.


2. Refer to the Student Conduct Code for more information.

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A. For safety and security reasons, neither people nor objects are permitted to pass through windows in University Housing facilities.

B. Throwing items, objects, substances, etc. out of or towards windows and screens are prohibited.

C. Removing or tampering with the screens that have been installed on windows is not permitted. If screens or windows are removed or tampered with, residents should immediately report the incident to Facilities Management at (310) 338-7779, or email quality.fm@lmu.edu. If no action is taken to report the missing screen, the cost for replacement may be charged to occupants of the space.

D. Residents may not install or place prohibited objects, appliances or equipment in or on windows, sills, roofs or ledges.

E. PROHIBITED OBJECTS/EQUIPMENT include, but is not limited to:

1. Portable or window air-conditioning units.

2. Satellite dishes.

3. Lights.

4. Plants.

5. Shoes and clothing.

E. Students shall not obstruct access to any window.

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