Isolation On-Campus

Housing Information for Residential Students

Given the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Student Housing Office has developed measures to promote the health and safety of those living in Lion Nation here at LMU. One of those measures is to provide isolation spaces for those who are required to do so. Understanding that being placed in isolation may be challenging, Student Housing seeks to reduce any potential stress by providing as much useful information as possible. This page describes Housing’s available resources and what students can expect when required to isolate.


You must inform the COVID Support Team if you have tested positive for COVID-19, or have been identified as a close-contact to someone who tested positive for COVID-19.

  • The COVID Support Team assists all LMU community members who work, reside, or otherwise access campus and are experiencing the following:
    • Tested due to COVID-19 symptoms or exposure
    • Test positive for COVID-19
    • Were exposed to someone suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19
  • The COVID Support Team provides contact tracing services and will assist individuals by providing instructions, personalized resources, guidance to safely isolate, and support through the testing and recovery process.
  • Contact Information:
    • Via Email:
    • Via Phone: 310.568.6868
        • On-call hours are 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., 7 days a week, and 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. on university holidays.

    What To Expect

    • Our isolation spaces on-campus provide the following items:

      • Clean and sanitized room with a private bathroom
      • Twin-XL bed and desk
      • Micro-fridge
      • Routine check-in calls from Student Housing
      • Meal delivery service from on-campus dining facilities (Refer to the “Meals and Food Deliveries” information section).
      • Trash service: FM will pick up trash every Monday and Friday at 12:00pm. Trash bags need to be sealed tight to limit trash flowing out of bags and must be placed outside of your door at the appropriate time. If this does not happen, then your trash will not be picked up that day. Please do not place trash outside your door prior to Monday or Friday at 12:00pm.

      Additionally, the following are provided to our students upon check-in/upon request:

      • Disinfectant wipes
      • Facial and toilet tissue
      • Trash Bags

      Please do:

      • Stay in your assigned building at all times except to seek medical care or if your space’s safety is compromised (i.e., fire, earthquake, building alarm, etc.).
      • Always wear a mask when receiving deliveries and other needs from staff/your Care Giver.
      • If you are the first person to arrive in your isolation space, expect a roommate during the first few days after your arrival.
      • Stay connected virtually with family and friends through online platforms, calls and texts.

      Please do not:

      • Do not leave your assigned building for any reason including, but not limited to, class, work, food, events, gatherings, shopping, etc. The only exception is to seek medical care or if your space’s safety is compromised (i.e., fire, earthquake, building alarm, etc.).
      • Do not visit friends outside of your assigned space.
      • Do not invite others over to your room while you are in isolation.
      • Do not leave isolation until you are directed by the COVID Support Team or Student Housing staff. You will receive a notification that outlines your isolation release date.

      Please note that failure to comply with the isolation mandate places others in the university community at risk and is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. Any violations of your isolation expectations will result in referral to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Responsibility. Disciplinary sanctioning will vary and may result in removal from Housing.

    • While in isolation, you are allowed to attend in-person classes but must wear a well-fitted, highly protective mask at all times.

      If you do not feel well enough to attend class, please be sure to notify your professors and request any course materials you may need. If you are in a class that requires in-person attendance, contact your professor to discuss the best way to proceed. Make sure that you pack any textbooks and course materials prior to transitioning to the isolation space, as you will not be allowed to enter your assigned space until your isolation is complete.

    • Take a moment to breathe and settle in. You’ve got this!

      • Unload your belongings into your room.
      • Contact family and friends to let them know you’ve arrived.
      • Contact your professors with your isolation/quarantine circumstances.
      • Refer to your Housing outreach email and complete all applicable forms.

      Use this suggested packing list to help you prepare. If needed, Housing staff can assist in transporting your items to your isolation space. Please wait for Housing to outreach to you to confirm that process.

      You should bring...

      • Pillow
      • Bedding to accommodate a twin-XL bed
      • Academic materials
      • Comforter or blanket
      • Comfortable clothes that can be layered and worn again – Bring enough clothing for 10 days – opportunities to launder your items are restricted at this time.
      • Pajamas/loungewear
      • Computer/laptop and charger
      • Cell phone and charger
      • Prescriptions/Medications
      • Thermometer
      • Face covering(s)
      • Toiletries/personal hygiene items
      • School supplies
      • Anti-bacterial soap
      • Hand sanitizer

      Consider also bringing...

      • Favorite snacks/drinks
      • Hairbrush, comb, and hairdryer
      • Slippers/house shoes
      • Menstrual products
      • Razors and shaving cream
      • Over-the-counter medicines (fever reducers/pain relievers, antacids, cough medicine, sore throat lozenges, and antihistamines)
      • Entertainment (tablet, books, movies, etc.)
    • If you have a meal plan, Flexi, or S-dollars, you can order all meals from LMU Dining. Students in isolation are allowed to leave their space but must wear a well-fitted, highly protective mask at all times.

      • As those in isolation must wear a mask at all times when outside of their isolation space, we require students to return to their isolation space to eat their meal(s).

      Third-Party Delivery Services
      If you are ordering DoorDash, Postmates, Uber Eats, or any similar service, you must coordinate the food to be delivered to drop-off area near your isolation space, or to your doorstep directly.

      • For any deliveries to your isolation space, you must wear a mask when opening the door.
    • You are allowed to designate a care giver who will provide care, food, and/or supplies to you during your time in isolation. This person will NOT be allowed to enter your space but can drop things off at your doorstep.

      Please take time to identify a care giver and coordinate with that person directly.

    • What if I have a Service/Assistance Animal?

      • If you have an assistance animal living with you on campus, you will need to make accommodations for the animal during your time in isolation. As you are required to move to an isolation space, you are not allowed to bring your assistance animal with you. Please make accommodations as soon as possible.
      • If you have a service animal living with you on campus, Housing will reach out to you to discuss the next steps.

      Can I leave my isolation room to retrieve food deliveries?

      • Yes, however you are required to wear a well-fitted, highly protective mask whenever you are outside of your isolation space. Refer to the Meals and Food Deliveries section for more information.

      Can I leave my isolation room to receive a COVID-19 vaccine or booster?

      • Yes, please update the Housing team via email if you are leaving to get vaccinated.

      What happens if I need to clean my laundry?

      • It is imperative that you bring clean clothes with you as you transition to your isolation space. If you need to launder your clothes, you must wear a well-fitted, highly protective mask whenever in the laundry room.

      How do I know when I’m released from isolation?

      • The COVID Support Team will contact you directly to confirm all dates associated with your isolation and will note if/when you’re eligible to test out early. Please note: the COVID Support Team manages your isolation dates and Housing manages your room accommodations and resources. Please reach out to the correct office as needed.



    While Student Housing and other LMU staff will routinely check-in on you, it is imperative that you take care of yourself, monitor your symptoms, and outreach for help when needed.

    Please make note of the following resources during your time in quarantine/isolation:

    Campus Safety Services
    • 310.338.2893
    • Open 24/7
    • Call for: on-campus emergencies, or call 9-1-1 if life threatening.

    Student Health Services
    • 310-338-2881
    • Open Monday –Friday: 8am-5pm, Wednesdays: 8am-7pm
    • Call for: questions regarding your health/symptoms.

    Student Psychological Services
    • 310-338-2868
    • Open Monday –Wednesday: 8am-7pm, Thursday-Friday: 8am-5pm
    • Call for: therapy or someone to help process your thoughts.

    Disability Support Services
    • 310-338-4216 or
    • Monday – Friday: 9am-5pm
    • Call for: support or inquiry about accommodations for an established disability or inquiry regarding assistance/service animals.